Bring your Milanote board to life with vibrant images! Whether you're uploading your own, using the built-in image library or saving them through the web clipper, Milanote makes it easy to add, edit and caption your images.
Ways to add images
Drag an image onto a board
This is the quickest way to get started with images - just select an image in one of our supported formats, and drag it right onto your Milanote board!
Use the image library
Search and use over 3 million beautiful, free photos then drag images straight onto your board. Powered by Pexels.
Use the Web Clipper
The web clipper is a free browser plugin that lets you save images (and text) from any website directly to your board. You can install the Web Clipper for Chrome or Safari.
Click "Add Image"
This lets you select multiple images (or files) to upload at once. The images will be added to the Unsorted column in the active. You can then drag them onto the board.
Image editing
Just like all Milanote card types, you can see the options for images by clicking on your image card once to select it, and looking to the left-side toolbar. There are a few image options:
Add color strip
Add caption
Edit (Draw on image, crop, download)
Locking in position
Add reaction
Downloading the original
Resize an image
You can resize any image by dragging its lower right corner in and out.
Add or remove a caption
You can toggle an image caption on or off by clicking on the "Caption" button in the left-side toolbar. Or, just select an image and start typing.
Edit an image
You can double-click an image to edit it in Milanote. You get the option to:
Download the image
Open it in a new browser tab
Draw on the image
Draw on an image
Marking up images is a great way to take notes or give feedback. Just click Draw and use the drawing toolbar to change line-weight or color. Click Save and you're done.
Lock an image in place
To lock your image in place, right-click on the image and select Lock position. You can unlock it by right-clicking again, and selecting the "Unlock position" option.
Export all images/files
Go to the Export menu (top right)
Choose "Generate ZIP" file
If there are a lot of large images/files on your board, it could take a while to download. Milanote will send you an email when your ZIP file is ready, so you don't have to wait around