Press /
in Milanote to display the shortcuts menu
Essential shortcuts
Action | Mac |
New note | Double-click anywhere |
Add another note, board or column | Select the object, press ⌘ Enter (Mac) or Control Enter (Windows) |
Move around board | Hold Space and drag |
Zoom | Z |
Search / recently viewed | ⌘ F |
Delete an object | Select an object and press Delete. Notes need to be empty before you can delete them |
Nudge an object | Arrow keys |
Move an object more | Shift Arrow keys |
Mention someone | While typing, press @ and choose a person. They'll get a email notification |
The basics
Action | Mac | Windows |
Copy | ⌘ C | Control C |
Cut | ⌘ X | Control X |
Paste | ⌘ V | Control V |
Undo | ⌘ Z | Control Z |
Select all | ⌘ A | Control A |
Deselect / Stop editing | Escape | Escape |
Duplicate | Hold Option and drag | Hold Alt and drag |
Send back | ⌘ Shift Down | Control Shift Down |
Send forward | ⌘ Shift Up | Control Shift Up |
Add caption to an image | Select image and type | Select image and type |
Text formatting
Action | Mac | Windows |
Large heading | ⌘ Shift 1 | Control Shift 1 |
Normal heading | ⌘ Shift 2 | Control Shift 2 |
Bold | ⌘ B | Control B |
Italic | ⌘ I | Control I |
Bullet list | ⌘ Shift U | Control Shift U |
Numbered list | ⌘ Shift O | Control Shift O |
Link | ⌘ K | Control K |
Highlight | ⌘ J | Control J |
Strike-through | ⌘ Shift X | Control Shift X |
Code block | ⌘ > | Control > |
Quote | ⌘ " | Control " |
Underline | ⌘ U | Control U |
Indent | Tab | Tab |
Un-indent | Shift Tab | Shift Tab |
Align centre | ⌘ \ | Control \ |
Use these shortcuts at the start of a new line...
Action | Mac & Windows |
Heading | Type # then Space |
Bullet list | Type . then Space |
Numbered list | Type 1. then Space |
Checkbox | Type [ ] then Space |
Quote | Type > then Space |
Action | Mac | Windows |
Add Function | = | = |
Add Column / Row | Option+Arrow | Alt+Arrow |
Skip to last Cell in Column/Row | Cmd+Arrow | Ctrl+Arrow |
Select Multiple cells | Shift+ Arrow | Shift+ Arrow |
Action | Mac & Windows |
Start drawing | D |
Switch to pen | P |
Switch to selection | V |
Switch to eraser | E |
Change to previous color | X |
Change pen size | 1 2 3 4 |
Save drawing | Escape |
Action | Mac | Windows |
View recent boards | ⌘ F | Control F |
Go back | ⌘ [ | Control [ |
Go forward | ⌘ ] | Control ] |
Go to parent board | ⌘ U | Control U |
Action | Mac | Windows |
Toggle Dark Mode | ⌘ Shift D | Control Shift D |
Make interface smaller | ⌘ Shift < | Control Shift < |
Make interface larger | ⌘ Shift > | Control Shift > |
iPad shortcuts
Gestures & Shortcuts
Action | Shortcut |
New Note | Double-tap the canvas anywhere |
Drag a card | Long-press any content, then drag |
Undo | Three finger swipe left |
Redo | Three finger swipe right |
Copy | Three finger pinch in |
Cut | Double three finger pinch in |
Paste | Three finger pinch out |
Multi-select | Long-press canvas, then drag to select content |
Markup an image | Double tap an image, then press Draw |
Zoom | Pinch in/out |