If your payment is failing for an unknown reason, the best thing to do is get in touch with your bank (unfortunately there's generally not much our support team can do to resolve these situations).
Some common reasons for failed transactions
The postcode you've entered is incorrect
If the postcode you enter during checkout doesn't match the one the bank has on file associated with your credit card, the payment will be blocked. This can be because:
You've moved recently, and your address hasn't been updated with your bank
You're using a business credit card, and the zip/postcode associated with it is different to your home address
To resolve this, contact your bank to check and update your address details, then retry the payment.
Your bank doesn't allow certain international transactions
Although we use a US-based billing system (Stripe), Milanote is based in Melbourne, Australia. This can sometimes cause transactions to be blocked automatically. If this is the case, you'll need to contact your bank to allow the transaction before trying again.